Summer Charity Market Applications Are Open!

Requirements - Please read before applying Spooner Markets Vendor Requirements.pdf


Tables and chairs are not available. Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs, canopies (white preferred but not required) and displays.


All table covers must go around the table and to the ground! No curved convention style as per agreed upon in the vendor requirements.


Electricity will not be provided unless marked on the application form and paid for.


Spooner Markets wants to provide an unique and fun experience for vendors and shoppers. In doing so we promote a family friendly event. Products and displays must comply with this vision. Unsuitable merchandise would include explicit nudity, sexuality and profanity.


Applications take 1-3 weeks to be processed.


***Form cannot be submitted unless all fields are completed. Forms submitted without a FULL BOOTH PHOTO will be automatically denied***

Vendor Requirements:

Tables and Chairs

Tables and chairs are not available. Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs, canopys (white preferred but not required) and displays.


Electricity will not be provided unless marked on the application form and paid for.

Table Coverings

Tables must be covered on all four sides, reaching the floor, with clean, fitted, or skirted coverings, and decorated appropriately. PLASTIC OR CURVED COVERINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED.

Unoccupied Space

Failure to occupy the contracted space by the scheduled setup time or non-compliance with the terms of this agreement may result in Spooner Markets reallocating the space without releasing the vendor from payment obligations.


Banners and signs contribute to booth and business visibility and should be professional in appearance. Pop-up banners and flags are allowed but must not exceed 8 feet in height or protrude beyond the booth space. Vendor signage outside the building is prohibited.

Aisle Activities

Vendors must refrain from distributing samples, literature, or collecting leads in the aisles and confine such activities to their booth space.

Food Permits

Food vendors must contact the Hamilton County Health Department for necessary permits and regulations.

**Hamilton County Health Department Contact Information:** 
Location: 18030 Foundation Drive, Suite A, Noblesville, IN 46060 
Phone: 317-776-8500 


Spooner Markets provides general liability insurance for the event, excluding coverage for vendors exhibits, contents, visitors within vendor spaces, or vendor personnel. Vendors are encouraged to secure and maintain liability insurance at their expense.

Unforeseeable Circumstances

In the event of uncontrollable circumstances such as fire, inclement weather, or civil unrest leading to the cancellation of the event, vendors waive claims for damages or compensation.

Reassignment of Space/Subletting

Vendors may not sublet their space or permit other companies to utilize any part thereof without prior written permission from Show Management. Special arrangements must be made in advance for multiple firms sharing the same space. Failure to attend does not authorize filling the space. All spaces are to be filled by Spooner Markets approval process. 

Refund Policy

Spooner Markets has a NO-REFUND policy. However, we are committed to reviewing individual cases and may offer concessions in appropriate circumstances.

Upcoming Event Date(s)

Summer Charity Market: Sunday, June 8th

***AT THIS TIME WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING VENDORS who are MLM, Commercial, Direct Sales, or selling mass-production items.***


The booth fee is per market, not for both.

Do not upload duplicate photos or logos.